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Privacy Policy

We are pleased that you have visited our web pages and would like to provide you with some essential information regarding our commitment to the security and privacy of personal data.

By "ArchivIT SRL Websites" we mean any web page (website, landing page etc.) owned, managed or under the umbrella of ArchivIT SRL.

Please check this section regularly as the policy may undergo changes or updates. Any significant changes to this policy will be notified.

In addition to this policy, please see our Cookie Policy.


Who We Are


ArchivIT represents one of the most professional archiving companies in Romania. Solid experience in the archiving field, customer care, passion and continuous improvement of services are the features that define us. Archivit today owns the most modern archive storage centre in Romania. Received with grade 10 at the beginning of August 2012 by ISU Ilfov, the storage centre is considered the most secure archive storage space in the country.

Information about ArchivIT SRL
ArchivIT SRL has its headquarters in Popești Leordeni No. 261 Bucharest Ring Road, Ilfov County and is registered at the Trade Register under no. J23/3214/2008, fiscal code no. 22158223


Contact Data:



Use of ArchivIT SRL websites


By accessing or using any part/function of the ArchivIT SRL Websites, you agree to accept and comply with the terms, conditions and policies mentioned and/or available via hyperlink and you are at least of legal age in accordance with the applicable national legislation. If you do not accept the terms, conditions and policies set out in this documentation, then you should not continue to access our website and/or use our services.


Intellectual Property Right


The content of the ArchivIT SRL Websites: images, texts, web graphic elements, scripts, software, design rights, model rights, patents, registered trademarks, are fully the property of ArchivIT SRL and are protected by copyright laws and related rights and the laws regarding intellectual and industrial property. The use without the consent of ArchivIT SRL of any elements listed above is punishable according to the legislation in force.


ArchivIT SRL can offer the user/client, through an agreement, the right to use, in a described form, certain content of the site. This agreement applies strictly for the content/contents defined, for a period established in the agreement and only for the person/persons who were allowed to use these contents, without being able to use other contents of the ArchivIT SRL Websites.


The use of the ArchivIT SRL Websites of any registered brand name does not constitute an advertisement for the respective company. ArchivIT SRL does not assume responsibility and cannot be blamed for damages caused by the use of the site's content.


Please report any copyright infringement noticed on the site to the address:


Where from we collect data about you


In general, the personal data we collect is provided by you via e-mail, via ArchivIT SRL Websites, social media networks or during your visits to our premises.


Occasionally, when we are in the recruitment process, we may collect data about you from specialized online platforms (e-Jobs, LinkedIn, etc.) or from the CVs you send us.


Moreover, when you interact with us on social media (i.e. like, share, comment, review etc.), we will inevitably have access to information about you, especially data that you have made public on your social media profile.


How we use personal data


Please find below the purposes for which we process your personal data, the people who have access to your data, and how we store it.


1. When you interact with us via the contact channels available on the website or social media

If you interact with us using the contact data available in the contact pages/forms of the ArchivIT SRL Websites, the chat application on the website (Facebook chat-widget), or interact with us through the messenger functions of social networks (e.g. feedback, notifications, requests for information, etc.), we will use your contact details and the data you communicate to us to provide you with information and offers regarding our services, to resolve the reported situation, to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of our customers and to continuously improve the services we offer.


Personal Data


Name, first name, phone number, email address, Internet Protocol (IP), cookie ID, data you have made public on your social media profile and any other data you voluntarily submit to us.


Legal basis for data processing


  • We process your data to make proceedings upon your request before concluding a contract (Art. 6/1/b of Regulation (EU) 2016/679)

  • We process your data to make proceedings upon your request.

  • In pursuit of our legitimate interest to respond to any question, complaint or recommendation you send us and to improve our services and the experience we offer our customers (Art. 6/1/f of Regulation (EU) 2016/ 679).


Who can we share your personal data with


  • Providers of IT services for our company (hosting and data storage) or providers to whom we outsource certain technical support services for our website or providers of customer relationship management systems

  • The platform on which our website was developed and which provides the hosting of our website

  • Website chat widget provider (Facebook)

  • Members of our group of companies (this includes our subsidiaries, our parent company and all of its subsidiaries), as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy

  • Social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn

  • Regulatory and other government authorities, if required by legal or statutory requirements.


We will disclose your personal data only to the extent that this is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose. We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that external service providers who have access to your data have implemented physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect data.


How long we are going to store the data


We will not keep in our database communications older than 1 year, from the date of the last interaction.

Data transmitted through social media networks will be stored by these networks according to their own policies.


Where the data are stored


  • The data recorded through the Websites will be stored on the servers of the hosting provider, located in the USA.

  • Data transmitted through social media networks will be stored by them according to their own policies.

  • The data we download locally willed be stored on our secure, local and cloud Servers.


2. Commercial and marketing communication


We may send you information about the services we provide if you have requested this information or if you are already our customer and this information may be of particular interest to you.


Personal Data


Name, first name, email address, phone number


Legal basis for data processing


  • We process your data in order to make proceedings upon the request of the data subject before concluding a contract (Art. 6/1/b of Regulation (EU) 2016/679)

  • We process data based on your consent (Art. 6/1/a of Regulation (EU) 2016/679), for marketing communications

  • We will process the data in pursuit of our legitimate interest if you are already our customer and we consider that the information could be of great interest to you (Art. 6/1/f of Regulation (EU) 2016/679)


Who we can share your personal data with


  • Providers of IT services for our company (hosting and data storage) or providers to whom we outsource certain technical support services for our website or providers of customer relationship management systems

  • Marketing automation tool (newsletter sending)

  • Members of our group of companies (this includes our subsidiaries, our parent company and all of its subsidiaries), as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy

  • Regulatory and other government authorities, if required by legal or statutory requirements.


We will disclose your personal data only to the extent that this is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose. We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that external service providers who have access to your data have implemented physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect data.


How long we are going to store the data


  • In case you subscribe to the newsletter, data processing will continue until you request to unsubscribe

  • In the case of processing carried out in legitimate interest, when you are already our customer, we will process your data during the contract period and will continue to do so for another 3 years after the contract termination.


Where the data are stored


The data we download locally will be stored on our secure, local and cloud Servers.


3. Candidates data processing in the recruiting, selection and headhunting process


If you wish to join ArchivIT SRL team, please contact us using the contact details or the forms available on ArchivIT SRL Websites.


We will process the data you provide us when you express your intention to join the ArchivIT SRL team and other additional information that we will request from you later, in order to analyse your real potential and motivation so that we can assess whether the information that you have provided us match the employee profile we are looking for.


Important: The CV/résumé you send us must not contain sensitive data regarding (i) racial or ethnic origin (ii) political affiliations (iii) philosophical or religious beliefs; (iv) membership of a trade union or political party; (vii) history of criminal offenses or proceedings and related penalties or fines; (viii) engaging in any illegal or improper conduct and associated penalties; or (ix) any national identification number of a person.


Personal Data


  • Identification data: name and surname, contact data (e-mail and telephone)

  • Other information provided at the request of ArchivIT SRL

    • CV, certifications, skills and qualifications for the desired position;

    • Cover letter, previous and/or relevant work experience or other experiences;

    • Information from interviews and telephone conversations you may have, if applicable;

    • Details of the type of position you are seeking, current and/or desired salary and information related to compensation and benefits packages, willingness to relocate or other work preferences, and preferred type of organization;

    • Information from references and/or information received following background checks (if applicable), including information provided by third parties and/or letters of recommendation;

    • Information regarding the history of previous employment relationships.

  • Other information voluntarily provided by the candidate


Sensitive personal and/or demographic data ate


Sensitive and/or demographic information voluntarily provided by the candidate during the recruitment process, such as: citizenship and/or citizenship information, candidate medical or health information, racial, ethnic or religious origin data


Legal basis for data processing


We process your data to take steps at your request before concluding a contract (Art. 6/1/b of Regulation (EU) 2016/679)


Who we can share your personal data with


  • Providers of IT services for our company (hosting and data storage) or providers to whom we outsource certain technical support services for our website or providers of customer relationship management systems

  • The platform on which our website was developed and which hosts our website

  • Members of our group of companies (this includes our subsidiaries, our parent company and all of its subsidiaries), as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy

  • Regulatory and other government authorities, if required by legal or statutory requirements.


We will disclose your personal data only to the extent that this is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose. We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that external service providers who have access to your data have implemented physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect data.


How long we are going to store the data


We will not retain candidate data older than 3 years


Where the data are stored


The data recorded through the ArchivIT SRL Websites will be stored on the servers of the hosting provider, located in the USA.

The data we download locally will be stored on our secure, local and cloud Servers.


4. Conclusion of contracts and execution of customer requests


In particular, we process the personal data contained in the documents that we send to us and the information necessary for the conclusion and execution of contracts.


Personal Data


Name, surname, phone number, email address, signature, role in the company


Legal basis for data processing


We process your data for the conclusion and execution of a contract (Art. 6/1/b of Regulation (EU) 2016/679)


Who we can share your personal data with


  • Providers of IT services for our company (hosting and data storage) or providers to whom we outsource certain technical support services for our website or providers of customer relationship management systems

  • Members of our group of companies (this includes our subsidiaries, our parent company and all of its subsidiaries), as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy

  • Regulatory and other government authorities, if required by legal or statutory requirements.


We will disclose your personal data only to the extent that this is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose. We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that external service providers who have access to your data have implemented physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect data.


How long we are going to store the data


We will not keep personal data older than 5 years, from the moment of termination of the contract, with the exception of documents that are subject to the retention conditions imposed by national legislation (for example, accounting data)


Where the data are stored


The data we download locally will be stored on our secure, local and cloud Servers.


5. Participation to various events organised by ArchivIT SRL


ArchivIT SRL wants to increase the loyalty of its customers and partners and to provide as many opportunities as possible for customer awareness and promotion of the services offered, by organizing inauguration events, presentations, viewings or various campaigns, contests or other events dedicated to interested persons.


Important: It is very likely that during these events we want to photograph or video record the participants, in order to promote the community and the services of ArchivIT SRL. Each time we will offer you the possibility to oppose this processing and we will observe your wish not to be filmed/photographed by offering you a distinctive element (e.g. a badge of a certain colour).


Personal Data


Name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, city

Optional: Image (photos, videos)


Legal basis for data processing


  • We process your data to take steps at the request of the data subject before concluding a contract (Art. 6/1/b of Regulation (EU) 2016/679) in order to register participants.

  • We process data based on your consent (Art. 6/1/a GDPR), for marketing communications

  • We will process the photos and video recordings of the participants, taken during the campaigns/contests/events, in order to pursue our legitimate interest in promoting the image of the company ArchivIT SRL (Art. 6/1/f GDPR)


Who we can share your personal data with


  • Providers of IT services for our company (hosting and data storage) or providers to whom we outsource certain technical support services for our website or providers of customer relationship management systems

  • Members of our group of companies (this includes our subsidiaries, our parent company and all of its subsidiaries), as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy

  • Third party companies to whom we may outsource certain roles in the organization of events (e.g. photographers, cameramen, event organizers, videophone and online chat service providers)

  • The platform on which our website was developed and which hosts our website

  • Social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn

  • Regulatory and other government authorities, if required by legal or statutory requirements.


We will disclose your personal data only to the extent that this is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose. We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that external service providers who have access to your data have implemented physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect data.


How long we are going to store the data


  • Participants' data will be stored for 24 months after the end of the event.

Where the data are stored

  • The data recorded through the ArchivIT SRL Websites will be stored on the servers of the hosting provider, located in the USA.

  • Data published on social media networks (pictures/video recordings) will be stored by them according to their own policies.

  • The data we download locally will be stored on our secure, local and cloud Servers.


6. When you react to the content on the social media or when you share information from the website


We are present on Facebook, LinkedIn. Whenever you interact with us via our accounts opened in these platforms (ex: comments, like, share, review etc.) we will have access to publicly available data on your profiles.


Personal Data


Name, picture and any other publicly accessible information in your social media profile or communication voluntarily made by you.


Legal basis for data processing

We process your data to take steps at the request of the data subject before concluding a contract (Art. 6/1 / b GDPR) or in our legitimate interest (Art. 6/1 / f GDPR) to respond to any question, complaint or recommendations you send us and to improve our services and the experience we offer to our customers and the legitimate interest to keep you informed of the news that ArchivIT SRL publishes and which may be of interest to you.


Who we can share your personal data with


  • Marketing service providers (PR Specialist, Ads Agency)

  • Members of our group of companies (this includes our subsidiaries, our parent company and all of its subsidiaries), as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy

  • Social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest

  • Regulatory and other government authorities, if required by legal or statutory requirements.


We will disclose your personal data only to the extent that this is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose. We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that external service providers who have access to your data have implemented physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect data.


How long we are going to store the data


Data transmitted via social media networks will be stored by these networks according to their own policies.


Where the data are stored


  • The data is stored on the servers of the social networks, located in the European Union or the USA

  • Marketing service providers (PR Specialist, Ads Agency) will store the data on their own servers located

  • The data we download locally will be stored on our secure, local and cloud Servers


7. Use of social plugins


It is the responsibility of ArchivIT SRL and social media platforms (as associated operators), in accordance with community policies, to process active display data (e.g. cookie ID) when a user of our site interacts with social networks using built-in buttons and widgets.


On our website, we have integrated the social plugins of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. You can find more information about the plugins we use in our Cookie Policy.


Personal Data


Name, picture/photo, any publicly accessible information in your social media profile, Cookie ID


Legal basis for data processing


We will process your data in pursuit of our legitimate interest to provide ease of sharing the content of our platform (Art. 6/1/f of Regulation (EU) 2016/679)


Who we can share your personal data with


  • Marketing service providers (PR Specialist, Ads Agency)

  • Online platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn

  • Regulatory and other government authorities, if required by legal or statutory requirements.


We will disclose your personal data only to the extent that this is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose. We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that external service providers who have access to your data have implemented physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect data.


How long we are going to store the data


Data shared with social media networks will be stored by these networks according to their own policies.


Where the data are stored


  • The data is stored on the servers of the social networks, located in the European Union or the USA

  • Marketing service providers (PR Specialist, Ads Agency) will store the data on their own servers located in the EU

  • The data we download locally will be stored on our secure, local and cloud Servers


8. Easy and enjoyable browsing on our website


When you access our website, we collect data about you through online identifiers (cookies and IP), which are stored in log files.


We use this information to be able to design our website so that we can better adapt to the needs of our users. We may also use your IP address to help diagnose possible malfunctions of our servers and to manage our website, keep our website secure and prevent fraud, authorize the use of services available on our website, to analyse trends, track visitor movements and collect general demographic information to help identify visitor preferences.


You can find more information about cookies, as well as how to delete cookies and disable tracking by accessing the Cookie Policy available on our website.


Personal Data


Internet Protocol (IP), general computer location, device (country level), website viewing history, timestamp, request / action, browser and operating system type and version

Other information generated while you use our website, including when, how often and under what circumstances you use it


Legal basis for data processing


  • Non-essential cookies are not used without your consent (Art. 6 /1/a of Regulation (EU) 2016/679)

Who we can share your personal data with

  • Providers of IT services for our company (hosting and data storage) or providers to whom we outsource certain technical support services for our website or providers of customer relationship management systems

  • Marketing service providers (PR Specialist, Ads Agency)

  • Third parties placing cookies: LinkedIn, Google, Facebook

  • Regulatory and other government authorities, if required by legal or statutory requirements


We will disclose your personal data only to the extent that this is strictly necessary to achieve the intended purpose. We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that external service providers who have access to your data have implemented physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect data.


How long we are going to store the data


There are session cookies and persistent cookies. If the session cookies are deleted when the browser is closed, the persistent cookies may have a different lifetime, related to the purpose they serve.

More information about the duration of use of the cookies we use can be found in the Cookie Policy.


Where the data are stored


The data collected by own cookies will be stored on the servers of the hosting provider, located in the USA.

Data collected through third parties that place cookies will be stored on their servers, located in the European Union or the USA.


9. Are the data processed by ArchivIT SRL safe?


ArchivIT SRL pays great attention to the protection of your data and applies the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of processed personal data, appropriate for the risks and categories of protected data. In particular, it protects the data against their sharing with unauthorized persons, their taking over by an unauthorized person, their processing by breach of applicable laws as well as against the change, loss, damage or destruction of data.

However, remember that unfortunately no data transmission is guaranteed to be 100% secure.

If you suspect a violation of your data confidentiality, please contact us immediately at .  

Important: After the end of the data storage period, your data will be deleted. If we consider that this data could help us improve the quality of products or services, we will continue using the data only after the irreversible anonymization of the data.


10. Links to other websites

Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites or third parties. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy policies of each website that may collect personal information.


11. Processing personal data of minors (under 18)


ArchivIT SRL is not intended for and does not knowingly collect information from minors under the age of 18 through the site. Access to and use of the site by minors represents the implicit consent of the legal guardian regarding the navigation of our site by the dependent minor. Also, if we discover that a minor has used our site without the consent of the legal representative, we will delete all personal data about him.


12. International transfers of personal data

ArchivIT SRL shares personal data with partners operating outside the European Economic Area ("EEA").


List of international partners we share data with:


  • Third parties placing cookies: LinkedIn, Google, Facebook

  • Online platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn

  • Marketing automation tool

  • The platform on which our website was developed and which hosts our website


Personal data may be stored and processed in any country where we employ service providers. We may transfer the personal data we store about you to recipients in countries other than the country where the personal data were originally collected, including to the United States or Israel. These countries may have data protection rules that are different from your country. However, we will take measures to ensure that any such transfers comply with applicable data protection laws and that your personal data remain protected according to the standards described in this privacy policy. In certain circumstances, the courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies or security authorities in those other countries may have the right to access your personal data.


Where applicable law requires us to ensure that an international data transfer is governed by a data transfer mechanism, we use one or more of the following mechanisms:


  • Standard EU contractual clauses with a non-EEA or UK data recipient

  • Verifying that the recipient has implemented mandatory corporate rules

  • We will also ensure that all our international partners have adopted additional measures to provide adequate safeguards, enforceable rights and effective legal remedies. The role of these measures is to provide additional guarantees to data subjects that the transfer of data under standard contractual clauses or mandatory corporate rules provides a level of protection equivalent to that guaranteed within the European Union


13. Your Rights


As a data subject, you have specific legal rights regarding your personal data that we collect and process. ArchivIT SRL observes your rights and ensures that your interests are properly taken into account.


  • Consent Withdrawal: If the processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw your consent for such processing at any time.

  • Data rectification: If you notice that we have incorrect personal data, you can ask us at any time to correct your personal data. We use reasonable efforts to keep personal data - which are used continuously and which are in our possession or control - accurate, complete, current and relevant, based on the most recent information available to us.

  • Restriction of processing: If you are in one of the situations below, you can request us to restrict the processing of your data:

    • you dispute the correctness of personal data for the period in which we have to verify the accuracy,

    • the processing is unlawful and you request restriction of processing rather than deletion of personal data,

    • we no longer need your personal data, but you request it to establish, exercise or defend a right, or

    • you object to the processing during the period in which we check whether our legitimate reasons take precedence over your rights.

  • Access to your data: You can request information about your personal data we store about you, including information about what categories of data, what they are used for, where we collected them, if not collected directly from you and to whom they have been disclosed, if applicable. You may obtain a copy from us free of any charge containing the personal data we store  about you. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for abusive requests.

  • The right to portability: Upon request, we will transfer personal data to another operator, where technically possible, provided that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract. Rather than receiving a copy of your personal data, you can request that we transfer your data directly to another operator specified by you.

  • The right to deletion: You can obtain from us the deletion of personal data, if:

    • your data are no longer necessary for us in relation to the purposes for which they were processed;

    • object to the further processing of personal data (see Right to object below);

    • personal data were processed illegally;

    • withdraw your consent regarding the processing


        Unless the processing is necessary:

  • in order to fulfil a legal obligation that requires the processing of that data by us;

  • in particular, for legal requirements regarding data retention periods;

  • for establishing, exercising or defending a right in court.

  • The right to oppose: You can always object to the processing of personal data due to your special situation. In this case, we will no longer process the personal data, if we cannot demonstrate well-founded, legitimate reasons and a major interest for the processing or for establishing, exercising or defending a right. When you object to processing, please state whether you want the deletion of personal data or the restriction of the processing of such data.

  • The right to complain: In the event of an alleged breach of applicable privacy legislation, you may file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority:

  • The National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data by filling in the online form available on the website


Important Data to Remember!

Time frame: We will try to solve your request within 30 days. However, the period may be extended for reasons related to the specific legal right or the complexity of your request. 


Access restriction: In certain situations, we may not be able to grant you access to all or part of your personal data due to restrictions imposed by law. If we refuse your access request, we will tell you the reason for such refusal.


Impossibility of identification: In some cases, we may not be able to identify personal data due to the lack of identifiers provided in the request you submit to us. In such cases, if you do not provide additional information that allows your identification, we will not be able to comply with the request to exercise the legal rights as described in this section.


Exerting your rights

To exercise your legal rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer in writing at the email address  .


Thank you for reading our cookie policy and we'd love it if you could give us your feedback on it so we can improve this document!


This version was updated on the 18.04.2024

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