Document Archiving
There is more to document archiving than simply storing the archives.
An optimum document archiving service needs to comprise the following requirements:
immediate access to documents;
​authorised spaces for storing;
​archive access history;
documents' safety guaranteed through the management system;
Archivit can help you in taking all these steps.
Document archiving steps​
Our document archiving services comprises 5 essential steps

Providing both the standard archive boxes and barcode labels and the delivery of them to the client’s premises
Packing the archive and classifying files according to the storage period length
Collecting and transporting the boxes to our Record Center
Doble-check the boxes at the warehouse facility and preparation of the contents report at file/box level
Storing the boxes and accessibility at any time
Details about the document archiving service
As a result of our collaboration, each step of the document archiving service is meant to benefit you greatly:
Providing both the archive boxes and the transportation to the client
Your archive is organised from the very beginning, and the files are classified according to the legal storage period length and other relevant criteria, such as the department, the document type etc.
We transport the archive boxes to your office, helping you to save time and resources.
Packing and classifying files according to the storage period length
Your archive is organised from the very beginning, and the files are classified according to the legal storage period length and other relevant criteria, such as the department, the document type etc.
We reduce the costs of archive storing, as we know from the start which are the documents that can be destroyed and when will others be eliminated from the archive.
Taking into custody and transporting the archive
Your entire burden will be taken over by us, together with the documents! Based on a statement, the boxes are transported to the Archivit repository by cars which are monitored online, through GPS.
The boxes are safe throughout the transportation process.
Checking in the boxes and composing the data base
We organise the information, so as to offer you fast access to any information or document contained in your archive! After checking in the archive boxes, we systematize the information contained in each box, connecting the barcode of the box to the data written on the spine/cover of the files.
Storing and archive accessing
Your archive is safe inside the only building in Romania that was specially constructed for archival storage!
You can have quick and simple access to any box / file / document.
Everything you, or your authorised representatives need to do, is to provide the unique barcode of the box through the online application, or by sending us an e-mail.
Regardless of the type of the documents you want to archive (personnel documents, accounting documents etc.), the document archiving process developed by Archivit is meant to benefit you greatly and to offer you optimised costs.