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Archivit offers complete consulting services for the preparation of the Archival Nomenclature, according to the legislation in force. We also offer advice on how to keep documents in the archive. The correct establishment of these terms represents a fundamental stage in the process of making an Archival Nomenclature.


The terms and the conditions differ form one company to another, depending on their types of activity and the complexity of the flowchart. For example, the storage terms for accounting documents differ from those of human resources documents or those of notarial documents.

Archives nomenclature | ArchivIT

When setting the deadlines for keeping documents, a number of rules must be taken into account. These are included in the Civil Code, the Criminal Code, the Law on Administrative Litigation, the Accounting Law no. 82/1991, with subsequent amendments and completions, etc. Our archival experts know all these rules in detail and can help you save time and have the certainty of legal compliance, when you want to make a correct Archival Nomenclature.


It is necessary to have a short discussion with the representatives of each department in order to make sure that we include in the Archival Nomenclature all the types of documents created.


Archival nomenclature for companies and public institutions


The non-elaboration of the Archival Nomenclature, as well as the non-application of the criteria specified in this document are considered contraventions and attract sanctions, as established in art. 30 of the Law on National Archives no. 16/1996, amended and supplemented by Law no. 358/2002.


The archival specialists are the only ones able to offer you consultancy and a cost analysis so that the Archival Nomenclature is made correctly, regardless of whether you represent a private company or a public institution.


Please contact us, and we will help you as soon as possible with an advantageous offer!

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